May 20: International Day of Human Resources
More than 30 countries celebrate International Human Rights Day today. This project, emerged through the international collaboration of 33 countries gathered under the umbrella of the European Association for People Management (EAPM ), which aims to give HR professionals the opportunity to celebrate the work that is done both for the organizations in which they work and for society in general.
The role of the human resources department in a company has evolved over time, participating in different aspects of the management of a company including trends in salary, training, talent acquisition, employer branding, engagement, retention, corporate social responsibility (CSR) or outsourcing.
Celebrate this day of visibility to the important People Management Function and recognize HR practices at national and international level.
ALL SET Consulting Outsourcing Services: Talent Acquisition
Are there talent shortages in organizations?
ALL SET Consulting analyses the main talent deficits in organizations according to the Client Company’s strategy. Nowadays, 9 out of 10 companies have looked for candidates in the last year but 70% of them assure that the candidates did not have the adequate skills for the vacant positions.
What skills are missing among the candidates?
- Experience in the sector
- Proper attitude
- Technical skills
As SAP Partners, our SAP Outsourcing Services offers a wide range of Recruitment Services helping clients to select the right talent for their business. We can manage the whole recruitment process of the company as well as advising in some parts of it, promoting best practices along with the expertise of our talent acquisition professionals.
Our very skilled SAP professionals, specialized in People Management, collaborate closely with the talent acquisition team, being able to supervise that the candidate has the correct technical skills the position required.
Providing top-quality services is part of our daily work, so we adapt our innovative tools to the Client’s needs.
To know more about it, you can contact us